Once the leaves start to fall and the air becomes crisp, it’s time to think about preparing your irrigation system for the winter. Even if you drain the water, any remnants inside the pipes can freeze and expand as the temperatures drop to frigid levels, which will leave the system susceptible to significant damage. Here’s what to know about preparing your equipment to withstand the harsh weather conditions ahead.
When Should the System Be Turned Off?
While it’s important to turn your irrigation system off before the temperatures reach freezing, you want to make sure you aren’t doing it too early. Many plants and lawns still need adequate watering through the fall season for them to remain healthy in the winter.
Typically, the optimal time to winterize is between October and the first part of November. The key is to have it done before the first hard frost, as it only takes one freeze for damage to develop.
How Do Professionals Turn It Off?
Professionals will winterize your irrigation system depending on the equipment you have, but there are a few basic steps. They’ll start by turning off the controller and shutting down the system’s water supply at the main valve. Then, they’ll thoroughly drain all above-ground components that hold water.
Next, they’ll blow out the pipes with an air compressor, being careful to maintain pressure below 50 psi. Wrapping your system’s pipes, valves, and backflow preventers in insulation tape can prevent them from becoming too cold.
For help ensuring your irrigation system is properly winterized, contact Maxum Irrigation & Plumbing in Waterford, CT. They’ll determine the best approach for shutting your equipment down based on the specific setup you have. This family-owned and -operated company is qualified to work on all types of systems and proudly provides high-quality installation, maintenance, and repair solutions. Call (860) 525-7000 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services.