Although all yards need regular watering to stay healthy, the type of lawn irrigation method used matters. Some systems shoot water at long distances, which is great for covering large areas, while other spaces might benefit from more concentrated care. To determine the best solution for your needs, here is a brief guide to three widely used lawn irrigation techniques.

What Are the Most Common Lawn Irrigation Methods?

1. Sprinkler System

Sprinkler systems are popular portable and permanent fixtures used to water residential landscapes and commercial sites throughout the country. Oscillating, impact, or stationary mechanisms are used to deliver streams of water into the air in circular motions or patterns. The mist from sprinklers falls on hard-to-access areas, making the equipment best for the irrigation needs of expansive lawns.

2. Drip Irrigation

lawn irrigationSprinklers soak lawns with water from above, while drip irrigation systems deliver moisture to the root system through the soil. Water slowly drips from hoses installed close to the ground. Because the water doesn’t rest on the foliage, there’s less chance for plants to develop fungus or disease. This lawn irrigation system conserves more water than some alternatives and is best used to meet the needs of gardens and other confined areas.

3. Hand-Watering

Many people use garden hoses to manually irrigate the landscape. Hand-watering the entire lawn can be time-consuming, so it’s best to reserve this irrigation method for watering potted plants or tending to concentrated areas with new seedlings.


For additional assistance finding the best lawn irrigation solution for your needs, reach out to Maxum Irrigation in Waterford, CT, for help. The trained technicians will help you choose the best irrigation system to reduce water usage and the associated costs. They’ll also provide installation and maintenance solutions to ensure equipment operates smoothly. To learn more about their available products, visit them online, or call (860) 525-7000 to speak with a representative.