Sprinkler systems help your lawn thrive by providing it with consistent moisture exposure. However, that could be detrimental to your budget if frequent water usage drives up your bills. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to promote a more efficient system that treats the lawn while also conserving water.

How to Boost Your Sprinkler System’s Efficiency

1. Install a Rain Sensor

A rain sensor is a sensible addition to your lawn irrigation system. It’s designed to monitor the weather for rainy conditions. When it detects rain, it deactivates the sprinkler system so that you don’t waste water. This is especially useful if you’re going out of town. It can also spare you from dealing with extensive damage, as many roots suffer if they’re exposed to too much moisture. Controlling your yard’s water consumption is key to a healthy landscape.

2. Create a Watering Schedule

Waterford, CT sprinkler systemThe most effective sprinkler system is one that you schedule based on your yard’s unique needs. You’ll need to take into consideration factors such as rainfall, evaporation, your sprinkler’s speed, and the types of plants that you have. Some require more frequent watering, while others perform better when they aren’t oversaturated. At the year’s halfway point, your yard’s watering needs naturally begin to slow; your schedule will ultimately reflect a decline in water usage from July through October before the cold weather arrives.

3. Test the System Regularly

Inspect your sprinkler system regularly to make sure it’s working properly. Check the sprinkler head closely for signs of clogs, which can impact functionality. If any leaks exist, repair them quickly to minimize water loss and costs. Adjust the sprinklers as needed to reduce the chances of overspraying; this can occur when there’s too wide of a berth, which is unnecessary when it’s more optimal to deliver water to specific zones.


Homeowners and businesses throughout Waterford, CT, trust in the experts at Maxum Irrigation & Plumbing for all of their lawn irrigation needs. Specializing in quality sprinkler systems and custom irrigation products, the company recognizes that no two yards are alike. They’ll work with you to devise a customized system that best benefits your lawn and vegetation. They also offer sprinkler maintenance to ensure that it remains in good condition year-round. Visit them online or call (860) 525-7000 to learn more about their services.