When keeping your garden lush and green comes at the expense of a high water bill, it’s time for a better lawn irrigation solution. Maxum Irrigation & Plumbing in Waterford, CT, installs and repairs irrigation systems designed to keep you happy and your plants healthy with low water usage. You can’t skimp on giving your plants the water they need, but you can be more efficient with how you do it.

4 Ways to Keep Your Plants Healthy With Efficient Lawn Irrigation

Install a Drip Irrigation System

lawn irrigationIf you have a large yard or garden, a drip irrigation system is an efficient way to water your plants. It works by providing the perfect amount of water to keep the soil appropriately moist. The flow rate is professionally set to feed the necessary amount of water to the plants, and a sturdy filter keeps debris from blocking the system.

Invest in a New Irrigation Controller

Changing technology means new irrigation controllers are designed with water efficiency in mind. Choose a controller that allows you to program the timers and sensors based on your garden’s specific needs. Wireless controllers give you the freedom to regulate the watering system from literally any location. A controller that works in conjunction with NOAA will offer optimal efficiency.

Buy New Spray Heads

Both the type of spray heads you have and their condition will also affect how much water you use. Heads that stand less than 4 inches high are wasteful because water is often deflected off high grass. Take the time to inspect your sprinklers right before you mow to see if your heads are tall enough.

Consider the Weather

Why pay for water through your lawn irrigation system when you get it for free on a rainy day? If the forecast is calling for rain and clouds, adjust your controller to accommodate the weather. Too much water may actually kill your plants, and any day that you can skip turning on the sprinklers will save you money on your water bill.

With these tips and help from Maxum Irrigation & Plumbing, your garden will grow to reach its full potential. Learn more about the advantages of lawn irrigation by calling Maxum Irrigation & Plumbing at (860) 525-7000.